1. General Geology
Origin of the Earth, Geospheres. Features of continents and ocean basins- their
distribution, structure and evolution, Interior of the Earth. Geochronology. Age of the
2. Geomorphology
Geomorphic processes and landforms. Evolution of landforms. Models of Davis, Penk,
King, Gilbert and Hack. Fluvial geomorphology: Processes. Morphometric analysis of
river basins and fluvial landforms. Hillslope processes and evolution. Coastal
geomorphology- Processes and associated landforms. Classification of coasts. Wind
action and arid landforms and Glaciers and glacial processes . Glacial landforms.
Glaciation. Coral reefs.
3. Remote Sensing
Aerial photography: Types of aerial photographs, principles and methods, geometrical
properties, stereoscopy, interpretation. Instruments for measuring and plotting.
Geological application.
Satellite Remote Sensing: Electromagnetic spectrum, methods of acquisition and
instruments. Microwave remote sensing. Different types of satellites used for natural
resource evaluation.
4. Geo Informatics
Fundamentals of GIS: Basic concepts, Spatial data and non-spatial data, components of
Spatial data: Spatial entities, Spatial referencing, Topology, Raster and Vector data
Data input and editing: Data sources, Scanning, Digitizing, Geo referencing, GCPs,
coordinate conversion, Data Editing – Detecting and correcting errors, transformation and
generalization, Edge matching and rubber sheeting.
Global Positioning System: Over view of GPS and its applications.
5. Structural Geology
Deformation of rocks: Isotropy, Anisotropy. Competency and incompetency. Elastic,
plastic and rupture stages. Classification of Joints, Folds , and Faults. Tectonites:
Foliation and Lineation. Petrofabric analysis. Primary and secondary structures.
Unconformities. Geological field mapping.
6. Geotectonics
Continental Drift. Plate Tectonics. Sea-floor Spreading. Polar Wandering and Polar
Reversals. Mid-oceanic Ridge System. Island Arcs. Subduction Zones. Trenches.
7. Stratigraphy
Principles of stratigraphy. Modern stratigraphic classification and nomenclature.
Correlation. Stratigraphy of shield areas. Greenstone Belts and Granulites.
8. Indian Geology
Precambrian, Palaeozoic , Mesozoic and Cenozoic starigraphic units of India and their
distribution. Age problems in Indian stratigraphy. Stratigraphy of Kerala.
9. Palaeontology
Kinds of fossils and fossilization. Origin of life. Precambrian life. Geological history of
major invertebrate phyla. Evolution of elephants, horse and man. Plant fossils of
Gondwana Supergroup. Micropalaeontology: Foraminifers, ostracodes and conodonts.
10. Crystallography
Symmetry elements and classification of crystals. 32 crystal classes and forms of crystal
Crystal projections: Spherical, Stereographic and gnomonic
11. Optical Mineralogy
General principles of mineral optics. Optical accessories. Optical properties of minerals
of all crystal systems. Optical anomalies in minerals
12. Descriptive Mineralogy
Physical and chemical properties of minerals. Classification of minerals. Classification of
Silicate minerals. Olivine, Pyroxene, Amphibole, Mica, Feldspar, Feldspathoid, Zeolite,
Garnet , Epidote and alumino-silicate group of minerals . Oxides, Hydroxides,
Carbonates, Phosphates, Halides, Sulphides, and other common rock forming minerals.
13. Geochemistry
Cosmic abundance of elements. Primary geochemical differentiation of the Earth .
Geochemical classification of elements. Geochemical dispersion. Geochemical cycles.
pH, Eh, Eh-pH diagrams. Dox potential. Entropy. Enthalpy. Trace elements and their
Isotope geology: Applications of isotopes - stable isotopes of Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen
and Sulphur.
14. Igneous Petrology
Forms of igneous bodies. Structures of igneous rocks. Textures: Description and origin of
Granite,Granodiorite, Diorite,Granophyre,Syenite,Gabbro, Peridotite, Dunite,,Dolerite,
Lamprophyre, Pegmatite, Aplite, Kimberlite, Carbonatite, Rhyolite, Trachyte, Dacite,
Andesite, Basalt, Anorthosite, Ophiolite, Komatite.
Phase rule and equilibrium in silicate systems. Unary, binary and ternary systems. Order
of crystallization of magmatic minerals. Reaction principle. Variation diagrams.
15. Sedimentary and Metamorphic Petrology
Classification of sedimentary depositional environments. Origin of sediments. Textures
and structures of sedimentary rocks. Provenance. Heavy minerals and their significance.
Lithification and diagenesis. Description of sandstones, limestones, mudsrtones,
evaporates and phosphorites.
Agents of metamorphism. Types and controls. Structures . Mineral paragenesis. Facies
and grade of metamorphism. Graphical representation of mineral paragenesis. Acf, AKF
and AFM diagrams. Anatexis and palingenesis. Ptrography and petrogenesis of schists,
gneisses charnockites, granulites, Amphibolites, Khondalites, marbles, Eclogites, and
Migmatites. Retrograde metamorphism.
16. Economic Geology
Processes of formation and characteristics features of various types mineral deposits.
Controls of localization of ore mineralization. Theories of ore genesis. Metallogenic
epochs and metallogenic provinces.
Genesis, geological settings, mode of occurrence and distribution of deposits of iron,
copper, lead, zinc, aluminium, magnesium, manganese, chromium, uranium and titanium
in India . Major Indian occurrences of mica asbestos, barites graphite, gypsum, precious
and semi-precious minerals. Indian occurrence of refractory minerals, abrasive minerals,
and minerals used in ceramic, glass, fertilizer, cement, paint, pigment industries.
Distribution and nature of occurrence of coal, petroleum , natural gas and atomic
minerals in India
17. Exploration Geology
Methods of surface and subsurface exploration. Field equipments and field tests used in
exploration. Guides for locating ore deposists. Various methods of geological,
geophysical, geochemical, geobotanical exploration methods. Principles of sampling and
assaying and estimation of ore reserves. Methods and types of drilling . Reserve and
18. Hydrogeology
Hydrologic cycle. Origin of ground water. Hydrologeological properties of rocks:
Porosity, permeability, void ratio, transmissivity, storativity, specifc yield, specific
retention. Classification of rock bodies on the basis of water bearing properties: aquifer,
aquifuge, aquiclude and aquitard. Types of aquifers. Coastal aquifers and sea water
intrusion. Laws of ground water movement. Water Table, Darcy’s Law. Piezometric
surface. Aquifer tests and pumping tests. Chemisry of ground water and methods of
plotting of chemical data.Ground water provinces of India. Exploration method for
Recharging aquifers, Methods and techniques of rainwater harvesting.
19. Engineering Geology
Engineering properties of rocks. Criteria for the selection of dam sites, tunnel sites, and
reservoir sites. Landslides, types, causes and mitigation.
20. Mining Geology
Terminology. Methods of mining – alluvial, open cast and underground. Coal mining
methods. Ore beneficiation. Mining and beneficiation of beach placers of Kerala
21. Environmental Geology
Natural resources- their conservation, management and sustainable development. Impact
of mining on environment. Pollution of air, water . Biochemical oxygen demand and
chemical oxygen demand. Global warming and ozone depletion. Environmental impact
of earthquakes, and volcanoes. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) models. Disaster
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